RhyDin is a realm where characters from all over time and space can meet and coexist together. RhyDin is created of a Nexus that connects all of time and space in one realm. That is the explanation for why so many different races can be found within the realm of RhyDin. Where is RhyDin? There’s more than one answer to this question. You can find RhyDin in AOL’s Arts & Entertainment chat rooms. That’s the answer for the mundane. The answer for a character is that RhyDin is located in another realm. How do I get to RhyDin? You can get to the RhyDin chat rooms by clicking the “Member Rooms” tab on the chat room listing page. Then you double click on Arts & Entertainment. Most of the rooms listed in the A&E member rooms are for role-playing. Your character can get to RhyDin in a number of different ways. Some characters jump through well known portals. Others fall through unknown portals. Still others take space ships or boats to RhyDin. Use your creativity to decide how your character got to RhyDin. How do I Play in RhyDin? There are a variety of ways to play in RhyDin. Some players prefer to use action brackets around their character's movements and thoughts. Action brackets look something like :: :: or ~ ~. You put your character's actions inside the brackets. An example would be something like, "::Quietly she makes her way into the tavern, her dark eyes taking in her surroundings for a moment before moving further inside.::" Other people prefer the "storybook" style. With this style there are no brackets. Instead, what your character says are in quotation marks - like when you're reading a book. Neither method is wrong or better than the other. It's all a matter of preference.