I know that "old timers" are going to check out this page, too. It'll just be for curiosity's sake, but I am hoping that they can help me out with this section of the site. If you have any tips for newbies, please use the email link to send me those tips. I will add them to this page promptly. • Everyone starts off as a newbie – Yes, I know there are people out there who will make fun of you for being a newbie, but at one time they were newbies, too. They were also probably made fun of. It’s a rite of passage, and it’s a fairly easy one if you think about it. • This is your game – It doesn’t matter what other people tell you about your character or the ideas that you want to play. They are your ideas and you shouldn’t change them just because of what other people say. Look around and you’ll find other people who like your character and/or ideas. • Use your imagination – RhyDin is a place where anything can happen. Let your imagination run wild and create characters that are as interesting and complex as you are. Tips from Players • There are only so many dark lonely tables in the shadows, not every bar serves bloodwyne, and rafters often times can not support the weight of a fully armored individual. -- ZionAnomaly7 • Try to be as descriptive as possible, and don't go out of character too much. Also, be original. -- Metalic Sarcasm • Don't let people intimdate you... its a game.. not real life... -- Dai Matteo • Dice don't make your character... you do... so just because one has a lot of dice and exp doesn't mean they're always right.. -- Dai Matteo • Don't mix out of character stuff with in character stuff. Keep them very separate. -- TheScornedWitch • Not every female character has to be lithe and buxom and not every male has to be an Adonis. Even if this is simply roleplay - an outlet from reality - a little variety is what makes everything much more fun. -- Lessons Iearned • Don't give out too much description, though. Sometimes, it just helps to let the story go along and not worry what every wrinkle an article of clothing has. Let quality out-do quantity. -- Shikano Kokoro • Allow room for flaws in your characters. Too often are there characters without some sort of flaw and that becomes boring. Give them a fear of heights, a stuttering problem, a twitch, or even a limp. -- Shikano Kokoro • Give the character a personality and stick by it until a real reason for growth comes along. Make the character interesting to speak with and encounter. -- Shikano Kokoro • Not everyone knows how to fight so not every character needs to know how to be a fighter. Take hits every now and then and let your character be beaten a few times... it will lead to growth within the character. -- Shikano Kokoro • Remember that your character is yours. While accepting on a general basis is something that should be done, no one player other than you has the rights to tell you to either change or stop playing the character the way you wish to. Likewise, they can't tell you whether or not your character is dead. -- Shikano Kokoro